FPGA vs. ASIC: choosing the right technology for your project

In the ever-changing world of electronics, choosing between an FPGA and an ASIC can determine the success or failure of your project. With increasing demands for performance, cost and flexibility, engineers and decision-makers are often faced with a crucial dilemma: whether to opt for the reprogrammability of FPGAs or the tailored performance of ASICs.

What is an FPGA?

FPGA = Field-Programmable Gate Array

An FPGA is a type of integrated circuit that can be configured by the designer after manufacture. Unlike ASICs, FPGAs are reprogrammable, which means that their configuration can be modified several times to adapt the circuit to new functions or correct errors. The internal structure of an FPGA is made up of programmable logic blocks, linked together by configurable interconnections, enabling the creation of complex, customized circuits. This flexibility makes FPGAs an ideal choice for rapid prototyping and projects requiring frequent modifications. What’s more, FPGAs offer speed-to-market, as they avoid the long lead times associated with custom circuits. However, this reprogrammability and flexibility comes at a cost: FPGAs are generally more expensive per unit for mass production, and consume more power than ASICs. In terms of performance, although FPGAs have made enormous strides, they often fall short of ASICs optimized for specific applications. FPGAs are particularly used in research, development, testing and low-volume products, where flexibility and speed are paramount.

What is an ASIC?

ASIC = Application-Specific Integrated Circuit

An ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) is an integrated circuit designed and manufactured for a specific application. Unlike FPGAs, ASICs cannot be reprogrammed once manufactured, which means they are optimized for a particular task, offering superior performance and reduced power consumption. The design of an ASIC begins with a detailed specification phase, followed by a lengthy design and validation process before being sent to manufacturing. This process is costly and time-consuming, but it enables the production of circuits perfectly suited to their application, with very low unit costs in mass production. ASICs are commonly used in consumer electronics products such as smartphones, televisions and networking equipment, where maximum performance and economies of scale are essential. However, this optimization comes at a price: ASICs lack flexibility. Once manufactured, they cannot be modified, which represents a high risk in the event of a design flaw. What’s more, their time-to-market is much longer, which can be a disadvantage in fast-moving industries. ASICs are therefore ideal for high-volume production projects where performance and energy efficiency are key criteria.

Differences between FPGAs and ASICs

When deciding between FPGAs and ASICs for your project, there are several key criteria to consider.

Performance and energy efficiency are often the first considerations. ASICs, optimized for specific tasks, generally offer higher performance and lower power consumption than FPGAs. If your project requires high-speed operation and efficient energy use, an ASIC may be the best option.

Cost and development time are another crucial factor. FPGAs enable rapid prototyping and accelerated time-to-market, thanks to their reprogrammable nature, which can reduce initial development costs. ASICs, on the other hand, require a high initial investment in terms of time and money for design and manufacture, but can significantly reduce unit costs for mass production.

Production volume is also a determining factor. For low-volume projects, FPGAs are often more economical due to their flexibility and the absence of specific manufacturing costs. However, for large-scale production, ASICs become more cost-effective due to their lower unit costs after initial development costs have been amortized.

Flexibility and scalability are aspects where FPGAs excel, as they can be reprogrammed to adapt to new requirements or to correct errors, offering valuable adaptability in dynamic environments. Conversely, ASICs, once manufactured, cannot be modified, which limits their flexibility.

Finally, risk and reliability must be considered. FPGAs enable designs to be tested and adjusted before finalization, thus reducing the risk of defects. ASICs, on the other hand, although offering reliable performance after manufacture, pose a higher risk in the event of an initial design error.


In short, the choice between FPGAs and ASICs depends on the balance between performance, cost, production volume, flexibility, and risk tolerance specific to your project.

Using an FPGA, using an ASIC

When should you choose an FPGA?

FPGAs are particularly advantageous for projects requiring high flexibility and rapid time-to-market. For example, in prototyping and new product development, FPGAs enable engineers to quickly test different configurations and make adjustments in real time. This is particularly useful in research and development, where specifications can change over time. In addition, FPGAs are often used in test and measurement equipment, where their ability to be reprogrammed for different tasks is crucial. In military and aerospace applications, where durability and reprogrammability are essential, FPGAs offer an adaptable solution to changing requirements and harsh environments. Finally, for low-volume products, such as specialized medical equipment or niche communications systems, FPGAs offer a cost-effective and flexible solution.

When should you choose an ASIC?

ASICs are ideal for projects requiring optimum performance and maximum energy efficiency. For example, in the smartphone industry, ASICs are used to create highly optimized processors and graphics chips, offering superior performance while consuming less energy, thus extending battery life. In data centers and network infrastructures, ASICs are essential for managing massive data volumes with minimal latency and low power consumption. ASICs are also commonly used in consumer electronics products, such as televisions and games consoles, where high performance and low unit costs are imperatives. And in the automotive industry, ASICs are integrated into engine control systems and advanced safety devices, where reliability and performance are critical. In short, ASICs are the best option for high-volume, high-performance applications, where initial development costs can be amortized by the savings achieved in mass production.



The choice between FPGAs and ASICs therefore depends on many project-specific factors. FPGAs offer unrivalled flexibility and speed-to-market, making them ideal for prototyping, testing, and projects requiring frequent adjustments or low-volume production.
It’s essential to weigh the pros and cons of each technology against the specific needs of your project. If flexibility, speed and adaptability are priorities, FPGAs are probably the best choice. However, if your project requires maximum performance, optimized power consumption and is destined for mass production, ASICs are the ideal solution.

Do not hesitate to contact our teams so that we can analyze your FPGA requirements and provide you with the best possible guidance.

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