AV153 – Agilex® 9 SoC DirectRF

Présentation de l'AV153, une carte VPX alignée sur SOSA, pour les applications ultra large bande

AV153 – Agilex® 9 SoC DirectRF

Aperçu du produit

La carte AV153 est une solution de pointe de notre gamme de systèmes radar, ECM et SIGINT à bande ultra-large, construite sur le standard VPX VITA47 ECC3.

Cette carte VPX 3U offre des performances exceptionnelles, avec 8 ADC et DAC 10 bits, chacun capable d’atteindre jusqu’à 64 Gsps, et supportant une bande passante analogique jusqu’à 20 GHz, ce qui la rend idéale pour les applications les plus exigeantes.

Conçu en totale conformité avec la norme SOSA, le AV153 assure la compatibilité avec divers protocoles de communication, tels que PCIe, Gigabit Ethernet et de nombreuses E/S définies par l’utilisateur. Cet alignement sur la norme SOSA améliore l’interopérabilité des systèmes radar et de guerre électronique, en favorisant une intégration plus aisée et une meilleure collaboration entre les composants.

La AV153 est également équipée d’un FPGA SoC Altera® Agilex® 9 avec la technologie Direct-RF. Cette caractéristique avancée offre à la fois un traitement de haute performance et des capacités de radiofréquence directes, permettant une intégration transparente entre le traitement basé sur le FPGA et les opérations RF.

Cette carte VPX est parfaitement adaptée aux applications des systèmes émetteurs/récepteurs des radars à balayage en phase, de la guerre électronique (ESM/ECM) et des communications à large bande, ciblant un large éventail de marchés exigeants.

Avantages clés

  • Direct-RF SOC altera® Agilex® 9 AGRW027
  • 8 channels 64 Gsps 10-bit ADC
  • 8 channels 64 Gsps 10-bit DAC
  • Analog bandwidth up to 20 GHz
  • Two Ultra Low jitter clock synthesizers
  • External or internal sampling clock reference
  • 2x 64-bit 8GBytes DDR4 2400 SDRAM (Fabric)
  • 1x 32-bit 4GBytes DDR4 2666 SDRAM (HPS)
  • Conduction Cooled
  • SOSA-aligned

SOSA standard to improve interoperability between modules

The AV153 VPX board, which alignes with SOSA (Sensor Open Systems Architecture) standards, represents a significant advance in embedded systems for military and aerospace applications. As an essential component of the modular architecture, this board offers unrivalled flexibility and interoperability. By aligning its design with SOSA principles, it guarantees easy integration within complex systems, while facilitating component reuse and reducing development costs. Featuring 18 standardized connectors and SOSA-aligned functionalities, this VPX board offers a robust, scalable platform for the design of next-generation embedded systems, responding to the changing needs of military and aerospace missions.

RF Direct Sampling for enhanced performance and scalability

Recent advancements in data converter technologies have dramatically increased sampling rates, now enabling bandwidths of several tens of gigahertz in the latest ADCs and DACs. This breakthrough has opened the door to applications utilizing RF digitization through the intermediate frequency (IF) sampling technique.

In this method, the analog signal is first converted to a lower intermediate frequency before being sampled by the converter. However, with these higher sampling rates, direct sampling of RF signals—without the need for additional RF conversion stages—has become possible, even for frequencies in the tens of gigahertz range.

Known as direct RF sampling, this technique can now be applied across a variety of radar and electronic warfare (EW) frequency bands, including Ku, K, and Ka bands. The adoption of RF direct sampling streamlines system architectures and enhances equipment flexibility, scalability, and SWAP-C (Size, Weight, Power, and Cost).


Specs techniques

Form Factor

  • 3U VPX Conduction cooled Vita 48.2, pitch 1.0”

VPX Profile

  • SLT3-PAY-1F1U1S1S1U1U2F1H-14.6.11-12

Analog Input/Output

  • Input coupling: AC
  • Full power bandwidth: 100MHz to 20 GHz
  • Full scale: +7dBm @ 5 GHz
  • Output coupling: AC
  • Full power bandwidth: 100MHz to 20 GHz
  • Full scale: -7dBm @ 5 GHz
  • Impedance: 50 Ohm
  • Connectors: Vita 67.3 NanoRF

Analog-Digital Conversion

  • Eight channels, up to 64Gsps
  • Resolution: 10 bit
  • Sampling Performances at 64Gsps
  • NSD: -150 dBFS/Hz at -3dBFS at 6GHz
  • SDFR: -55 dBc at -3dBFS at 6GHz

Digital-Analog Conversion

  • Eight channels, up to 64Gsps
  • Resolution: 10 bits
  • Sampling Performances at 64Gsps
  • NSD: -156 dBFS/Hz at 0dBFS at 6GHz
  • SDFR: -50 dBc at 0dBFS at 6GHz


  • Two Ultra-low jitter clock synthesizers
  • External or internal sampling clock reference
  • Impedance: 50 Ohm
  • Connectors: Vita 67.3 NanoRF


  • Two banks 64-bit 4GBytes DDR4 2400 SDRAM (fabric)
  • One bank 64-bit 4GBytes DDR4 2400 SDRAM (HPS)
  • One 2 Gbit QSPI FLASH memory
  • eMMC storage (HPS)

Operating Temperature

  • ECC3, -40°C to 70°C

VPX interface

  • P1:
    • Data plane: one fat pipe DP01 supporting 100GBASE-KR4
    • Data plane: one ultra-thin pipe DPutp01 supporting 10GBASE-KR
    • Control plane: one ultra-thin pipe CPutp01 supporting 1000BASE-KX
    • Expansion plane: one fat-pipe supporting PCIE GEN3 4x
    • Expansion plane: 8 LVDS differential pairs
  •  P2:
    • Vita 67.3C Aperture H
    • NanoRF Contacts-
    • 8xIN, 8xOUT, REFIN, REFOUT

Power dissipation

  • +12V: 14 A max (170W)
  • +3.3VAUX: 0.6A max (2W)


  • 630g

Board Support Package

  • FPGA + HPS exemple design
  • SW API and examples, Windows 10 64-bits / Linux 64-bits
  • User manuals
  • Quick start guide


Board Support Package

  • FPGA example design
    • Communication
      • Front-Panel USB to Avalon
      • JTAG to Avalon
    • Data Conversion
      • Clock component access
      • 64Gsps support
      • 8x ADC, Decimation x16 support
      • 8x DAC, Interpolation x16 support
      • ADC acquisition buffers
      • DAC generation buffers
    • Memory
      • DDR4 Avalon access
    • System management
      • Avalon access to monitoring
      • infrastructure
  • HPS example design
    • Linux distribution built on Yokto
    • HPS Interfaces:
      • eMMC 128Gb
      • RGMII GbE
      • UART
    •  EMIF (Memory interface)
      • 4GB DDR4 Memory
    • Services
      • SSH server only
      • No direct access to FPGA
  • SW API and examples, Windows 10 64-bits / Linux 64-bits
  • User manuals
  • Quick start guide

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